Awareness means continuous learning. Here we keep you up to date on current debates and new publications.
Our event calendar keeps you up to date on our round tables, network meetings, expert conferences, collegial exchange rooms and open workshops. You can also enter and view your own events on the Awareness Platform.
Here you can get in direct contact with the office and find answers about the project, funding and much, much more.
Due to the large number of inquiries, we unfortunately have to temporarily stop accepting new workshop registrations. Please understand that we will only be available again and able to accept new inquiries from the end of August. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to education[at] please contact us.
You have a problem and don't know where to turn? Maybe we can help you or refer you to people in our network. We also offer supervision and are happy to accompany you as far as we can. You are also welcome to take a look at our awareness platform and the swarm can help you in word and deed.
Are you interested in networking? Are you part of our community forum or do you want to become one? Questions, disturbances, opinions, praise and problems belong right here.
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