Partisan, intersectional & affected-centred

Minimum standards

Ensure fair and collective treatment.

Framework conditions and minimum standards in awareness work

When people were denied entry to clubs due to racist selection at the door, they created their own spaces in which they were not constantly marked as "the others". When women and/or queers were no longer willing to accept the constant sexual assaults, they also organized their own events with their own rules. In response to this discrimination and violence at events, people have developed awareness concepts to create an environment where every person is respected. Events based on these principles not only help to minimize discrimination, but also support social change.

Thanks to their diverse social struggles, these ideas are now also being discussed in broader social circles. Associations, event organizers and authorities are showing a genuine interest in the development of anti-discrimination strategies and violence prevention in nightlife. Awareness has become an integral part of many events. Event organizers can draw on procedures and principles that have been established over 15 years of awareness practice.

At the "Awareness Intersectional" conference organized by the Awareness 2019 initiative, we discussed challenges and opportunities regarding the establishment of awareness concepts in the broader event sector. How can we understand awareness as a joint process of social change? How can the training for awareness teams be designed in such a way that a fundamental attitude towards social power relations and their intersections is conveyed? How can awareness be practiced as a culture of the entire staff and thus collective responsibility be assumed? What could good working conditions for awareness teams look like? What do good grievance mechanisms look like?

And we have gone one step further: At our round tables with awareness and support groups, affected self-organizations, event organizers and safer clubbing projects, we set ourselves the goal of developing a joint awareness code for a safe(er) nightlife and event life.

Must Haves

The must-haves published in May 2023 are a milestone in these efforts. In collaboration with participants of the round tables - in cooperation with Safe&Sound, Rave Awareness, Awareness Hildesheim and Ann Wiesental - 10 must-haves for awareness structures were developed. Every event is unique, so flexible awareness structures are crucial. Despite all the differences, our aim was to find "must-haves" that for us all constitute awareness - without claiming to be exhaustive or universally valid. We have compiled the following list, which you can order as a poster here:

Gemeinnützigkeit und Gemeinschaftsorientierung

Wir verstehen Awareness als kollektiven Prozess des gesellschaftlichen Wandels. Unser Fokus liegt auf Gemeinnützigkeit, denn Awarenessarbeit soll nicht profitorientiert sein. Wir sind uns bewusst, dass "wertschätzendes Bedienen" alleine nicht ausreicht. Gemeinsam möchten wir eine Kultur schaffen, in der Kollektivität und Verantwortung im Mittelpunkt stehen. Wie sieht es bei euch aus? Erfüllt ihr diese Must-Haves? Wo seht ihr Handlungsbedarf im Awareness-Bereich? Welche Must-Haves würdet ihr ergänzen? Teilt uns eure Gedanken dazu mit - sei es auf Instagram, per Mail oder persönlich. Lasst uns gemeinsam sicherstellen, dass Awareness nicht nur existiert, sondern auch effektiv und nachhaltig ist!

ally and network

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