Our projects

Here you can find an overview of our projects. Some of them are carried out by ourselves, others have been developed in partnership with other awareness groups.

We offer awareness workshops for venues, advise on developing our own awareness concepts, organise expert conferences and round tables to exchange ideas, learn from and with each other and communicate on current developments.

Duration: 2021-2024
Location: Nationwide


  • Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Women, Senior Citizens and Youth
  • Heidehof Foundation
  • City of Leipzig (2021)

In cooperation with:

  • Rave Awareness
  • Ann Wiesental

Seit Januar 2024 läuft bei der Initiative Awareness das Projekt support f(x). Awareness-Schnittstelle für Sachsen. Mit dem Projekt möchten wir nachhaltig Awareness-Gruppen und Veranstalter*innen in Sachsen unterstützen und stärken.

Laufzeit: 2024/2025
Ort: Sachsen

Diese Maßnahme wird mitfnanziert durch Steuermittel auf der Grundlage des vom Sächsischen Landtag beschlossenen Haushaltes.

past projects

pilot project

awareness in mauerpark

In cooperation with Freunde des Mauerparks e.V., the model project "Awareness in Mauerpark" was created this year. On the first three weekends in June, awareness teams trained by us will be present in public spaces. The starting point will be a cargo bike, which will be easily recognizable with flags and stands.

Duration: 2023
Location: Berlin


  • District Office Pankow
  • Land Berlin

In cooperation with:

  • Friends of Mauerpark e.V.
  • Berlin State Commission against Violence
to the project presentation

Awareness Intersectional - Antidiscrimination work in the event context

8. - 10. November 2019, Leipzig

Programme and documentation