The project: Support f(x)

Support f(x) strengthens and promotes awareness and anti-discrimination work in the context of events. Various forms of exclusion, violence and discrimination still characterize coexistence in our society. We do not accept this state of affairs.

Our goal is to jointly sensitize a broad public and to counteract organized power structures. A central building block is the network. As a supra-regional interface, we want to support the community sustainably in its self-organization. The focus is on the exchange and sharing of resources and knowledge.

We want to offer this network platform to the multitude of awareness and anti-discrimination initiatives in order to jointly enable a practice based on solidarity. Together we want to stimulate a discourse that can also have an effect on the general public, so that discrimination- and power-sensitive spaces become normality and violence and discrimination are minimized.

We support

Awareness Teams

We give workshops for supporters and awareness staff, organize spaces for colleagues to talk about challenging cases, advocate for good working conditions and train new trainers.


We advise and accompany event organizers on the way to their individual awareness strategy. We offer nationwide training and consulting for event staff of all trades to develop a concept and train staff.

the network

We organize symposia, meetings and round tables to learn from each other and to communicate about the current needs of the awareness scene. In the community section of the website, debates are held and knowledge is exchanged.

the visibility of initiatives

In recent years, many initiatives and groups have been founded that are committed to a discrimination- and violence-sensitive event life. We want to make this commitment even more visible: on our online platform, awareness groups and event organizers can present their awareness principles and good practices and locate themselves on the map.

intersectional perspectives

Engagement against LGBTIQ* hostility, racism and rejectionism are as integral a part of awareness for us as sexualized violence. On Instagram, in podcasts, in seminars and at events, we intervene about diverse forms of discrimination in nightlife.

the search for minimum standards

Together with stakeholders, awareness teams, club operators, security and all other (experienced) experts in the field of awareness, diversity and events, we develop a common code for awareness at events.

solidarity exchange

of knowledge and resources.

news about the project

Solidarity network for self-determined spaces

structure & community


Our partners from the Awareness Institute and our project advisory board support individual projects in strategic questions and with their expertise and stand by us as a think tank.

Awareness Institute

The Awareness Institute is a grassroots network of collectives and individuals involved in awareness work. Together they form a network that defines fundamental aspects of awareness work. The platform is both a space for exchange and a common voice.

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Promotion Support f(x)

The project support f(x) - interface for awareness, violence prevention and anti-discrimination takes place within the framework of the federal program Democracy Live! In addition to funding from the program of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, it is supported by the Heidehof Foundation (2022-2023) and the City of Leipzig (2021). We would also like to thank the generous donation from Kulturkosmos e.V. and the numerous individuals who made this project possible.

ally and network

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Due to the large number of inquiries, we unfortunately have to temporarily stop accepting new workshop registrations. Please understand that we will only be available again from August and will be able to accept new inquiries. If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail at bildung[at]

You have a problem and don't know where to turn? Maybe we can help you or refer you to people in our network. We also offer supervision and are happy to accompany you as far as we can. You are also welcome to take a look at our awareness platform and the swarm can help you in word and deed.

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Are you interested in networking? Are you part of our community forum or do you want to become one? Questions, disturbances, opinions, praise and problems belong right here.

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