A new Train the Trainers training of the Initiative Awareness is coming up. From May 15-19, we want to train multipliers for awareness workshops in Leipzig.
A new Train the Trainers training of the Initiative Awareness is coming up. From May 15-19, we want to train multipliers for awareness workshops in Leipzig. In the training we will deal with the basics of awareness and anti-discrimination work, we will deal with different forms and levels of discrimination and we will teach you methods and modules that have been developed by different awareness groups and actors throughout Germany in order to be able to give awareness workshops for the Initiative A wareness.
The Train the Trainers will take place from 15-19 May daily from 10-18 o'clock in the west of Leipzig. (This will change a bit according to the days, the time should only serve as an approximate orientation). We will provide your accommodation in a hostel with breakfast, a seminar room as well as lunch, drinks and snacks. Dinner will not be provided, but there are many possibilities to eat out in the surrounding area, and the hostel also has a kitchen, so you can cook something for yourself.
Unfortunately, the premises are not barrier-free this time. If you need barrier-free premises, write to us and we can secure a place for the following training in autumn/winter.
There are 10 training places available. Since we have received many requests for participation the last few times, there is now an application process. The awareness field also reflects social realities. Therefore we especially want to encourage people who (have to) experience discrimination to apply. Another important aspect of the selection process is the general interest and also the willingness to give paid (!) workshops for the Awareness initiative.
Following the training, there will be three more dates where you will receive in-depth workshops from self-advocacy organizations. These will take place online and will cover the topics of racism, gender diversity and accessibility/inclusion in the context of events. The exact dates for these in-depth workshops are not yet available.
There is a co-payment of 40 Euro for the training. If it is not possible for you to pay this, please write to us!
Unfortunately, we cannot cover your travel expenses, but again, if it is not possible, please contact us!
The Initiative Awareness is an association based in Leipzig, which was founded in the summer of 2018 by people with awareness experience and people from the event sector in order to bundle and share their knowledge. The association is committed to combating (sexualized) violence and discrimination in the event context from an intersectional perspective. The initiative advises and supports event venues in the implementation of awareness strategies, trains staff and awareness teams nationwide, and organizes training courses, conferences, and nationwide networking days.
The project Support f(x) - Interface for Awareness, Antidiscrimination and Violence Prevention has been running since 2021. With this project, we want to sustainably support the community in its self-organization. The focus is on the exchange and sharing of resources and knowledge. We want to offer this network platform to the multitude of awareness and anti-discrimination initiatives in order to jointly enable a practice based on solidarity.
If you are interested, please note the date and keep an eye on your mailbox, because the application form will follow in the next few days. Please fill out the application form and send it to training@initiative-awareness.de.
If you have any questions etc. please feel free to contact us!