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You can order materials on our website under "Resources"! But what exactly?

The brochure "Awareness - Dealing with discrimination and (sexualized) violence in the event context" provides guidelines and an initial overview. It can be used as support in setting up your own awareness structures.

This also includes the minimum standards for awareness work. Here you will find a list of the 10 must-haves for the introduction of awareness structures as well as the 10 must-haves for functioning awareness teams, which were developed in collaboration with X.

In our zine, 10 authors have shared their impressions and experiences of nightlife from a diverse and intersectional perspective. They answer questions like: What makes a good night out for them? When do they feel safe and strong? But also what experiences they have had with sexualized violence and discrimination.

Our six-language information flyer provides options for action for those affected, bystanders and people who perpetrate violence. Ideal for displaying at events and providing visitors with answers to questions such as "What do I do if I observe an unpleasant situation?" and "How do I react if I encounter transgressive or discriminatory behavior?".

And don't forget our great merch: new pocket ashtrays, matches, pens, notepads and earplugs!



Reading time

5 min.


October 4, 2024



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