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Interview with Nui (Tg Göttingen)

What do you do in your project? What forms of discrimination and violence play a role in your work?

I am part of the Transformative Justice Group Göttingen (as part of awarenetz.org) working on all forms of discrimination and violence with Tg. Nui as part of the group and part of the network awarenetz.org is especially specialized in cases outside the topic of sexualized violence and has been doing work on awareness and TG in an intersectional context for almost 10 years. An important part of the work is also consulting with people who want to do their own process making and consulting and education work around awareness and transformative justice. I am also part of Radikal_jüdisch Bildungskollektiv, where we work on solidarity with Jewish people, especially at the intersection of racism and anti-Semitism, but also work on other areas like queer, climate justice and animal liberation because we see ourselves as part of these movements. Radikal_jüdisch also does empowerment workshops for Jewish people and is planning a Radikal_jüdisch congress for 2024. We also offer process support.

What is your function in your project? What is your personal focus? Have you already had experience with long-term stakeholder support or transformative processes?

All groups are organized with low hierarchy and we have no defined roles, they are all groups with an anarchist self-understanding. I am very experienced in creating places of learning and reflection and have a broad intersectional knowledge of Ableism, Racism_Antisemitism, Queer issues and anarchist ideas. This allows me to perceive and work on issues in an interwoven way. I have already been part of some long-term processes, including those outside of sexualized violence.

What kind of educational formats do you offer? Who is the audience? How would you describe the impact of your work? Do you have any long-term formats?

Radikal_jüdisch as well as Awarenetz.org and the Transforamtive Gerechtigkeitsgruppe Göttingen form all 3 different workshop formats. From 3h to full day or project weeks, everything is possible. We offer offline as well as very interactive online workshops. We tend not to offer info events, as the topics also need personal engagement and community work as a basis. Both the Transformative Justice work and the Radical Jewish Education work are done from my non-white Jewish, disabled, queer perspective, which is important because it means that these issues are not just discussed theoretically, but are in the room with me as a person. These are all topics where there are still few offers at the moment and that's why we change places where we go strongly, because we set new, previously unknown impulses.

How do you support groups to work independently to support those affected or to do transformative work? What do you see as part of your work? Where do you distinguish yourselves?

I always do only 1 or 2 processes that I accompany directly, everything else is too much. But I and my group offer a lot of consultations to empower others to do processes themselves. We give support, share materials and tools and also accompany with intervision. My intersectional view and my many years of experience are an important building block so that people feel empowered and more confident to make processes themselves.

What does the specific activity look like for you? How many people are involved? How long do your processes take? What hinders, slows down and blocks processes? When is it finished for you?

Transformative Justice Group consists of about 5 people, Radical_Jewish Education Collective consists of 2 people, and Awarenetz.org is a network of various groups and individuals.

How do you deal with the capacities you have? What are the main difficulties, what makes you tired?

There is always too little time and resources for this kind of structural care work. That's why we do so much consulting because it increases our effectiveness and I can share my experience. This seems to make more sense to me than doing 3 processes myself. I am often tired of administration and low pay, but I find the work itself very meaningful and inspiring.

How would you describe the future perspective on your work? What factors slow down your work? What would be socially necessary to make your work superfluous?

A destruction of patriarchy, white supremacy, an ableist and classist world, and the end of capitalism would definitely make our work easier, but not redundant, since people will always hurt each other or violence will occur. But the work would be more between and people and would have less structural components.


info@awarenetz.orgradikaljuedisch.de (under construction)



Reading time

5 min


October 11, 2023



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