arose at the time of colonisation. Attempts were made to scientifically justify the exploitation and enslavement of people in Africa, South America and Asia with the superiority of the 'white race'. The race theory and the division of people according to biological criteria have long been refuted by researchers and were pure fiction. But the ideas that emerged at that time still live on. Thus, people continue to be differentiated according to physical characteristics such as skin colour, shapes of eye, nose and mouth, hair structure or according to features people wear on or on their bodies, such as a hijab, and condemned as 'inferior', 'alien' or 'abnormal'. There are different forms of racism: Muslim:inhobia, racism against Sinti and Roma, ethnopluralism, anti-Black racism. A subtype is cultural racism, which is always present when ways of life, customs and traditions are judged as negative and inferior to one's own culture (see also DaMigra, 2019, Speak Up Sister!).