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call for tenders module manual revision

We are looking for people who would like to contribute to the concept development of our workshop modules on the topic of 'Awareness in Structures'.

Invitation to tender

Workshop module: Awareness in structures

Methods for establishing an awareness strategy for longer-term group contexts

Submission deadline: 04.10.2024

Who is it for? Awareness trainers, activists, speakers

What: Concept development for workshop modules on the topic of "Awareness in structures

Objective: Methods for implementing long-term strategies for the prevention of and safety in dealing with discrimination and violence

Field of application: Workshop seekers from longer-term group contexts such as house projects, associations, political groups, ...

Prerequisites: Methodological and content-related approaches, on the basis of which a workshop module can be developed, which is included in the module handbook of the Awareness Initiative

Form of submission: Concept sketch using this form



Since 2018, the Awareness e.V. initiative has been committed to combating sexualized violence and discrimination from an intersectional perspective. The initiative advises and supports event venues in the implementation of awareness strategies. In addition, the association looks beyond the event context and develops ways in which the idea of awareness can also be applied in other areas of society.

Since 2023, the project "Support f(x). Awareness Interface for Saxony" project has also included longer-term group contexts (e.g. associations, house projects) among the target groups for training and advice. However, awareness as a concept also has its limits and transferring it to structures outside the event context poses challenges.



The aim of this call for proposals is to create workshop modules that the speakers trained by the Awareness Initiative can use in their workshops. With the help of these modules, speakers are to teach (working) groups methods for developing long-term strategies for the prevention of and safety in dealing with discrimination and violence within their own structures.

The call is aimed at awareness trainers and speakers as well as activists who have gained experience in establishing awareness structures in longer-term group contexts.

After reviewing the submissions, the project team will make a pre-selection and invite the selected applicants to present their content and vote (online). A fee of €300 will be paid for the development of the concepts.

Once the modules have been completed, they will be incorporated into the Initiative Awareness e.V. module handbook and used in Initiative Awareness e.V. workshops over the next few years.



  • Content of the concepts based on an intersectional approach
  • Consideration of the principles of transformative justice and collective responsibility as well as stakeholder-centeredness
  • Experience with the needs and challenges of longer-term group contexts
  • Target group-specific ideas for methodical implementation
  • Both preventive, interventional and process-accompanying methods can be submitted
  • Concepts that combine several of the above-mentioned areas



Submit your concept sketches by 04.10.2024 by completing this document and sending it to sachsen@initiative-awareness.de. Illustrative material such as pictures or sketches can be attached.

The selected submissions will be announced on 10.10.2024.

The (online) meeting to present and vote on the content will take place on 15.10.2024 at 14:30.


If you have any questions about the invitation to tender, please contact: sachsen@initiative-awareness.de

Data protectionWith your submission, you agree that we may forward your data and documents within our project team as part of the selection process. After the tender process has been completed, we will delete your data, with the exception of the selected submissions.


This call is part of the project support f(x). awareness-interface for saxony.



Reading time

6 min


September 23, 2024



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